Motific documentation

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Motific is a SaaS platform that helps organizations leverage Generative-AI powered capabilities with enterprise-grade controls for sensitive data, security, responsible AI, and cost.

In this Motific technical documentation, you have everything you need to start your Generative AI journey with trust security and ease! You can discover the advanced features of Motific, how to use them, the concepts behind the features and how to get started with Motific. Also, refer to the API documentation to integrate your AI app with Motific in no time.

Introduction to Motific

Learn what is Motific and how it can benefit your organization. Also glance through the features of Motific and how you can leverage the platform and provision Gen AI apps faster with security and data compliance.

Getting started

Learn how you can quickly onboard and get started with the Motific SaaS platform. Also, explore how you can test out the policy enabled Motifs that you create in our sandbox environment.

User guide

The Motific user guide provides you with everything you need, to start provisioning the Generative AI apps such as AI assistants, chat interfaces etc.

API documentation

Learn about connecting your own Generative AI application to a Motif and interacting with the LLM you configured via Motific API endpoints.


Learn about how you can add users to your Motific tenant, and the different roles authourized to interact with certain features of Motific.

Known issues

Running into an issue? Before trying support, check our known issues page to see if it is documented as a known issue and if a work-around is noted.